JERUSALEM, May 5, 2009 – The Legal Forum for the Land of Israel praised today Interior Minister Eli Yishai’s decision to revoke of the citizenship of four Israeli Arabs living abroad for decades in “enemy” states and have been working against the State of Israel and were involved in terror attacks.
Legal Forum representative attorney Yossi Fuchs said that Yishai’s decision is an important precedent which should be turned into a standard procedure.
“It can not be that an Israel Citizen would work against the security of the State and his privileges would still be preserved. Citizenship is a privilege and anyone, who raises his hand against the State and hurts its security gives-up his privilege of being its citizen.”
Attorney Fuchs calls upon Yishai to revoke citizenship of dozens of terrorists who work against the State and its security but today enjoy all the benefits of an Israeli citizen.
For more information on the story please see Dan Izenberg, Yishai to annul citizenship of 4 Arabs, JERUSALEM POST, May 5, 2009.