Legal Forum Requests Urgent Meeting of Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee over the Flow of Money into Gaza (5.26.09)

The Legal Forum for the Land of Israel took another step in its battle to stop the transfer of money into Hamas-controlled Gaza-strip, by turning to MK Tzachi Hanegbi (Kadima) requesting that the Knesset Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense, which Hanegbi chairs, meet to discuss the issue.

Recently, the Israeli government allowed the transfer of millions of dollars to Gazan banks citing the Palestinian Authority’s need to pay its employee’s salaries and a lack of capital available to banks in the area.

At the time the Legal Forum had protested on the grounds that funds transferred into banks would enable any account holders to withdraw money including members of terrorist groups, and the money would easily find its way to Hamas’s Islamic National Bank.

The Legal Forum also filed a law suit to stop the transfers with the Israeli Supreme Court, which is pending.

In contrast to the government’s claims regarding the need to pay Palestinian Authority employees, Yediot Aharonot reported that based on documents from the Prime Minister's office, the Palestinian Authority did in fact have enough funds to pay its employees, without the government transfers.

By transferring the money, Legal Forum director Nachi Eyal wrote that the “Israeli government was lending a hand to the strengthening of Hamas” and might have aided in terrorists’ acquisition of missiles which would eventually land in Israeli cities.

For an English copy of Eyal's letter, click here.