Legal Forum: Interim Report of State Commission on Handling of Disengagement Evacuees Proves Our Petitions Correct (9.29.09)

The Legal Forum for the Land of Israel: The interim report on the handling of Gaza evacuees proves that the Sharon administration committed a crime, that the petitions we brought to the Supreme Court before the Disengagement which were denied were proved correct, and that the Supreme Court, which could have prevented this miscarriage of justice was guilty of misappropriating its responsibilities.

Attorney Yossi Fuchs of the Legal Forum for the Land of Israel states that the interim report of the State Commission of Inquiry into the Handling by the Authorized Authorities of the Evacuees from Gush Katif and Northern Samaria proves that the conduct of the administration in the execution of the Disengagement was criminal conduct, that brought irreversible damage to the expelled former residents of the Gush Katif communities.

“The interim report supports all the hundreds of petitions and appeals submitted by the evacuees against the government.

“The chapters of the report could have been taken directly from many of the Legal Forum's appeals to the Supreme Court prior to the Disengagement in which we warned about what would happen – but the judges shut their eyes."